Unity Church Sermons
March 24, 2024: Dostoyevsky Reads Hegel in Siberia and Bursts into Tears, Rev. KP Hong
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
February 25, 2024: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
February 11, 2024: If It's Not One Thing, It's Another, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
February 4, 2024: The Blessings of Congregational Conflict, Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
Transcript | YouTube | Podcast
September 17, 2023: In Celebration of Change: Learning to Hold More, Rev. Karen Gustafson
Transcript | YouTube
Transcript | YouTube
December 4, 2022: The Rebirth of Wonder, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Transcript | YouTube
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October 2, 2022: What Will You Do With Your Second Chance?, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Transcript | YouTube
Transcript | YouTube
September 18, 2022: And to think that I heard it on Berry Street!, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Transcript | YouTube
Transcript | YouTube